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Why North Palm Beach Waterfront Homes Are an Excellent Retirement Choice

North Palm Beach waterfront homes offer an outstanding choice for retirement in southeastern Florida. Local recreational activities, climate, and economic advantages make North Palm Beachwaterfront homes desirable for retirement.


The weather in southeastern Florida is attractive during retirement, especially as older people often become more vulnerable to injury and prefer warmer temperatures. The lack of snow and ice reduces the potential for injuries caused by traffic accidents, snow removal, or walking on icy surfaces. It greatly decreases the need for heating during the winter and autumn months as well.


Retirement in N. Palm Beach also provides a variety of outdoor recreational activities short distances from home. Swimming, boating, and fishing are easily accessible. Retired golfers with North Palm Beach waterfront homes appreciate the nearby country club. It's relatively easy to take a trip to other attractive Florida destinations, like the Florida Keys or Everglades National Park.
It's also easy to get exercise in this climate, which is important during retirement. In addition to the opportunities for outdoor exercise, there are several fitness centers in the area, including some oriented to men or women (according to Yahoo! Local). 


Living in southeast Florida eliminates many of the stresses of everyday living. Retired people who live there not only retire from their jobs but from tasks like raking snow off the roof, scraping ice from car windows, stacking firewood, maintaining snow blowers, or driving to the transfer station.

Even during the winter months, retirees living in North Palm Beach waterfront homes can take a long stroll down the beach, wade briefly in the ocean, or sit on a porch watching the waves. There's nothing to stop people from taking walks to the store or barbecuing some food. Meanwhile, much of the USA and Canada contends with icy driveways, snow-filled sidewalks, and bitter winds.


The long growing season also helps make North Palm Beach waterfront homes an excellent choice for retirement. Retirees may more easily grow vegetable or flower gardens in this region, as compared to much of the United States. This can be an enjoyable and productive way to spend extra time. The long growing season also increases the availability of fresh, locally-grown fruits and vegetables.


North Palm Beach offers convenient services like curbside garbage and recycling pick-up, without the hassles of a large city. It is not far from an international airport, an interstate highway, and the Intracoastal Waterway. According to the Encarta Encyclopedia, the larger neighboring city of West Palm Beach features a botanical garden, museum, and theater. There is another theater and a museum of art in nearby Boca Raton.

North Palm Beach is located near Deerfield Beach and Lake Okeechobee. Its population is almost 12.6 thousand, according to the Village of North Palm Beach web site. If you're not convinced it's a great place to retire, you can always visit and stay at one of the area's hotels or campgrounds
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