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Short-Term Trading Opportunity With The Inside Bar

Many investors who are just learning technical analysis will make short-term investment decisions based on reliable, longer-term patterns such as the head and shoulders top discussed elsewhere in this series. The difficulty with such a strategy is that short-term trades based on long-term patterns will typically not yield the desired gains.

A short-term pattern that many investors will rely on is the inside bar pattern. This pattern indicates a possible reversal of the current trend. For example, if the trend has been down and the inside bar appears at the end of such a trend, then there is a possibility that the trend will reverse and head up.

Discovering an Inside Bar Pattern

When investors are learning technical analysis, spotting the inside bar pattern can be difficult. (See our website for a graphical representation). Basically, an inside bar pattern consists of a longer bar (wide trading range) followed by a shorter bar (small trading range). The second bar forms completely within the range of the preceding bar.

Supporting Criteria

One thing many investors understand is that an inside bar should never be used in isolation when making trade decisions. When learning technical analysis, it makes sense to find support for other patterns and trends in other analysis. With the inside bar, investors should consider support and resistance levels, momentum readings, and other fundamental data relating to the security, sector, and market as a whole.

In terms of the inside bar itself, investors will find greater reliability when they discover the bar that follows a sharper inbound trend. As well, the wider the first bar and shorter the following bar, the better as this indicates the stronger momentum has ended, and the possibility for a more dramatic turn.

And lastly, the volume level should be lower for the second bar than for the first, as this hints at a better balance. 

For investors learning technical analysis, please remember that no single indicator should be used in isolation. Confirmation is highly recommended from other tools. For investors who would prefer a hands-off approach, there are trading software programs that will simply make buy or sell calls
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