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What You Need To Know: Claiming Against Uninsured Drivers

If you have ever been hit by an uninsured driver then the whole event may have caused you heartache, a headache and even a little wallet ache! Claiming for the damage inflicted on your car is nothing short of a nightmare unless you are one of the very few lucky ones. If you have never been hit by an uninsured driver then you are undoubtedly lucky but you should still know the process because the vast majority of car insurancequotes do not cover you against uninsured drivers at all.

Car insurance companies hate uninsured drivers because they cost the industry millions every single year. This may explain why so many insurance companies refuse point blank to cover you for the negligence of those few. There are more incidents with uninsured drivers today than there has ever been, but still many car insurance quotes will not incorporate the possible cost of being hit by an uninsured driver.

It is worth checking your policy carefully to see whether or not you are insured in the event of an uninsured driver hitting you or causing an accident. Some providers do and you claim in the usual way. However, those that do not offer you cover in your car insurance quotes will not help you out at all. If an uninsured driver hits you then you are literally on your own.

Believe it or not, it can actually take you years to get your money back, and even then it may not be the full amount it cost you to repair or replace your car. Insurers that do provide cover for uninsured driver accidents will cover your costs minus the agreed excess. However, a lack of cover for that will leave you dealing with the Motor Insurance Board (MIB) instead.

The MIB is an organisation that was set up to help motorists that had specifically been in an accident with an uninsured driver. Although they do compensate you eventually via taking legal action against the uninsured party, you have to follow a set procedure first. 

You initially need to make sure that the driver is not insured. You can do this through a DVLA check and should also make a formal complaint to the police. This is a must and should be made within 5 days. It is an offence to withhold insurance details as well as not have them! You should also tell your insurer anyway even if you are not covered because you do have to tell them about every accident. 

After you have done the above you can make a claim. You have to submit a form to the MIB and provide them with any and all information that can help them to trace the driver and bring a case against him or her. You can do this online or via post. You should make the claim as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary delay.

Taking each case through the courts understandably takes time but you are entitled to that money. After all, you are forced to pay around 30 pounds extra a year as a result of uninsured drivers. You may have to wait but you can get the compensation you deserve.
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