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What Difference Does Women's Car Insurance Make?

Women drivers are well known for their well, it really depends on the perspective you are looking at them from. If you are a male driver that has an unbelievable need to put your foot down then they are nothing but a nuisance. However, if you happen to be a car insurer then you will probably be more than happy to offer them car insurance at a cheaper rate than you would a man of the same age, driving experience and make and model of car. Womens car insurance is a big sector of the insurance industry at the minute and there are plenty of reasons why.

Before getting into the finer details of those reasons, it is necessary for you to understand how much women can save over their male counterparts when it comes to car insurance. Mr and Mrs Bickley from the West Midlands proved that when they got car insurance quotes for their 2008 Ford Focus.

Both Mr and Mrs Bickley are 29 years of age and enjoy rural life. As a result, their home is in a low crime area. They also have a garage and an alarm system fitted just in case. Mr Bickley does have one more years no claims bonus than his wife, but their circumstances are identical otherwise.

The Bickleys went to E-Sure and CIS directly to get individual car insurance quotes as well as a couples one to compare the prices. Mr Bickley, having a years more no claims bonus, should have had lower quotes, but Mrs Bickleys quote was 107 less instead, all because she is a woman!

This is a great example of the fact that women pay less for their car insurance than men. This is because women do not have as many accidents, and have far fewer serious accidents if the statistics are to be believed. This all points to the fact that women do not tend to claim on their insurance whereas men do. As such, an insurer can lower the premiums for women because their profits are greater as a result of the lack of claims!

Men tend to drive far more quickly on the roads than women and do get pulled up by the police for driving offences more. Men also apparently have a lower concentration level and so are more likely to get distracted by something as they are driving.

Men also tend to buy more powerful cars. According to some insurers, women are more likely to choose a car out of practicality rather than aesthetic appeal, which is completely the opposite of their male peers! The parts for faster cars and those more likely to be stolen are more expensive and thus so are the insurance premiums!

Womens car insurance can also be found for a cheaper overall price because there are specialist providers for the female drivers out there. These insurers are exclusive. As such, women get more affordable cover over their male counterparts.
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