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Asset Classes for Global Macro Trading

Among the ten asset classes we have cash, equities, fixed income, commodities, currencies, real estate, private equity, venture capital, collectibles, and statistical arbitrage. Obviously not all of these are easily accessible by most retail investors but you can still get into five or more.

The first asset class is cash. Cash is the safe haven when we can't find any other good trading opportunities. For instance if stocks look like junk and bonds are no good you will likely have some money in cash as you wait for a good opportunity. So while its really a currency we look at cash as a separate asset class.

Stocks are next. Stocks represent ownership in a company. When we look at stocks we look at them across the globe. That means domestic, foreign, and even emerging market stocks are included. Obviously we look at them different depending upon where they are located but they are still ownership in companies and in this day and age are all part of the global economy.

Bonds also known as fixed income are simply loans to governments and corporations. In return for the loan you get interest payments. Most global macro traders look at US government, foreign government, and corporate bonds when looking for a fixed income trade. By looking at multiple sub classes we have more opportunities for great risk to reward trades.

Commodities are up next. Commodities include things like base metals, precious metals, agricultural products, livestock, and the energy complex like natural gas and crude oil. Macro investors are willing to invest in anything from gold to lumber to even livestock if they can find a good risk to reward opportunity.

Finally we get to currencies. This is actually the largest asset class out there and gives some of the best trading opportunities. If you have an opinion on any country you can buy or short the currency and try and make money.

The last few asset classes are a lot harder to get good exposure to unless you manage a lot of money. With the possible exception of real estate via REIT's the rest of the asset classes are relatively illiquid, so they require a longer time frame in which to invest. Private equity and venture capital can take years to sell and collectibles go through very long dry spells in which liquidity dries up. By looking at everything you not only get a lead up on many trade ideas via the cross research but you also find more pure trading opportunities.
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