Teens aged 16 are at an age that is exactly midway in the teens but also a sweet time, when they start thinking of getting part-time jobs, dates, and eager to drive cars. The gas and hit the legs, spastic boy is a girl, and the key to hand, and we look forward to freedom! Of course, it's not really free. Unfortunately, even if a teen is responsible and driving a safe vehicle, the premiums on their plan are going to be high. Your child often wonders why you keep your keys in your pocket, keep shouting, crying and sweating when you check to see what the price of insurance is.Insurance rates for teens is higher because as a demographic group, teens usually put more demands on their insurance than other groups. Insurance is based on aggregating individual risk over a larger collection of people, such that the combined overall operating expenses, and the pay-out costs of individual claims can be spread over the rest without negative impact to corporate and shareholder profits. Out from the insurance, how often, and how much and each group is charged according to figures evaluating how likely any one member of the group is to need pay. This segment of math and science is grouped under the subject of "statistics." This is the spot where the preciseness of the numbers squeezes insurance buyers. Statistics show that teenage drivers are involved in more crashes than non teendrivers. A lot more : Not just a bit more. New drivers are more likely to die when they are sixteen due to driving than any other group of people. teens require pay-out than other driversbecause the have more wrecks 15-17 year-old drivers cost $34 billion and according to AAA accidents involving. What is yes, billion? Not surprisingly, insurers insist on being paid sufficiently to cover this daunting $34 billion. Next your teen pleads: "I'm a great driver though! I attended driver's ed and even additional courses, and I'm always cautious..." If your child takes driver's ed classes and training for emergencies, the odds of an accident are significantly reduced. They get even better when your teenager waits a year or more before beginning to drive. They are probably safer, and so companies take such things into account when the cost of insurance is calculated. There are insurance companies that will give lower rates to people who have demonstrated that they can be responsible behind the wheel. Research is the key to finding the best coverage for your child at the most economical price. Decide on a plan that works for you, call an agent and beginning getting estimates. In the beginning is to go online and search for quotes on driver's insurance for teens and quotes can be gotten in a number of ways, but one of the quickest. After you have done the homework and weighed the plans, look carefully at your homework and your child. Those eyes are to you, and how precious that child and do not be swayed by the big, pleading eyes... think instead how precious. Then it is time to pay up on the insurance, make sure you child will be driving a safe vehicle...and then, hand over the keys and if you think your child is realistically likely to drive well, cautiously, and responsibly