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Becoming A Financial Advisor

Are you keen to explore a career in financial advisor?

The key requirements to becoming a financial advisorare talent, good communication skills and strong analytical ability.

Certainly a good formal university degree is essential in this line of work.

Though it is glamorous to be in the financial industry, managing one's finances efficiently is not every ordinary person's cup of tea.

It is not easy to handle topics like investments, tax matters and insurance policies. You not only need to be able to handle these topics, but you must also like it.

These are bread and butter for any financial advisor as they need to provide sound financial advising.

You can provide the professional help and advice in financial matters properly only when you are knowledgeable and passionate.

A career in financial advising is a very lucrative profession as it is composed of jobs in the commerce field and offers a very attractive compensation pay package.

Financial advisors is a salesmen of the finance industry. You need not have many years of experiences to start a career in financial advising.

However, to qualify as a financial advisor, you will need to pass several multiple-choice tests, which do not require any educational qualifications.

Series 65 is one such test. Pass this and you can work as a financial advisor.

Many firms that offer financial advising services recruit people with very little experience as well.

Experience and a strong academic background count a lot in this industry; and membership with other professional institutions and associations are also very helpful.
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