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Learning the Ropes of Insurance Sales

Insurance is vital these days. You never know when accidents may happen and it is in these moments that the insurance sales agent becomes your best friend. They are the ones who help people choose the right policy for them. They help businesses, families and private individuals get just the right package.

Captive insurance agents are those who only work for one insurance company and only sell their employer's products. Their counterparts, independent insurance brokers, represent several companies and sell insurance plans from all of them.

There are many types of insurance plans that a person can get, including life insurance, health insurance, property insurance, casualty insurance, disability insurance, and long-term care insurance. Depending on a person's needs, he may have all of these insurance plans or just some of them.

There are about 400,000 insurance agents in the United States alone, about a quarter of them self-employed. Most agents don't work for carriers but work for agencies and brokerages instead.

If you want to be an insurance agent, you need to match up to the job requirements. These include a college degree in either business or economics, and knowledge of insurance laws of the state in which you intend to work.

There is of course the question of getting a license to sell insurance. Agents are required to pass tests and take a few courses in order to master the art of selling insurance. Each line of insurance requires a different license so having a license for auto insurance won't make you qualified to sell personal accident insurance.

Personality is key to selling anything, and insurance is no exception. Someone with great communication skills, charm and business acumen will rise steadily through the ranks. these individuals usually end up as store or branch managers
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