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2 Steps to Trading the U.S. Employment Report on Friday

Your stocks are crashing and your real estate value is eroding all at the same time. Even commodities are tanking. These are some of the greatest ways Americans have accumulated wealth up until now. So what’s a trader or investor to do?
Learn to trade the “recession proof” market – the Currency (Forex) Market!
For instance, it’s been no secret that the number of unemployed in the U.S. is growing rapidly.
650,000 Job Losses Expected to be Reported on Friday!
This is also causing an enormous spike in the unemployment rate. See its chart below. Previously the unemployment rate had jumped up to a whopping 7.6%. However, on Friday this is expected to come in at 7.9%.

The Unemployment Rate goes Parabolic!

Learn how to Make Money from Fundamental Trends!

It’s extremely unfortunate what is happening in America. I bleed “red, white and blue”. However, I can’t change this fundamental trend in place. This will be up to forces that are much bigger than me: the government, the Fed, the Treasury, etc.
However, until they can get this turned around (and that will take some time), we can profit from the fundamental trend that has unfolded.
As economies have gotten hit hard in the U.S. and around the world, money has run to what it feels are “safe havens”. Since the dollar is the world’s reserve currency AND it had been beaten down for years, back to back…money ran there for shelter from this “economic storm” and that trend continues to this day.
For the last year, the rise of the dollar has been one of the few “upward trending” games in town, even when you look to just about every market out there: stocks, real estate, commodities, etc. In fact, it’s breaking out to new highs even now! How many financial instruments anywhere can boast that right now? Very few!

Two Steps to Making Gains in the Forex Market!

So while your stocks and real estate are perishing for now, you need something to buffer these blows with. That’s where the forex market comes in. It’s one more way you can diversify your portfolio and also get into trades that are heading higher NOW and not months or years from now.
How do you delve into this market? I’d say there are two steps to take before you “go live” in this market.
1. Get Educated about this market. I’m always amazed at the people that delve into any trading market with NO education. Would you try this at plumbing, brick laying, being a doctor or a lawyer? Of course not! Yet, people delve into this arena with “experienced traders” and expect to profit just as they do. They are simply dreaming. What they need is an education to “learn the ropes”. Anyone can afford to get an education in currencies these days. Why? Because we’ve made it “online” so that you can take it in your spare time AND made it to where it only costs $25 so that everyone can afford it.
2.Get a “real time”, free demo account. When I first learning how to trade stocks, I never had this awesome option. However, in currencies you do. It comes with FREE real time quotes and charts that you can trade off of. Your trades go onto demo servers, so you literally don’t risk 1 cent but yet you get to learn the ropes by gaining experience in trading this market.
Once you’ve gotten your low cost education and you are implementing what you’ve learned by using the demo account, after about 30 days you will be ready for the final step – “Going Live”.
You should start with a micro or mini forex account. Deposit at least $300 to $3,000 to get started and you’re “up and running”…trading this “recession proof market” and helping your future by making gains NOW rather than just sitting idly by while your stocks, commodities and real estate continue to dwindle before your eyes.
Take these steps and it will help you to stop the downward spiral of your net worth and to do something proactively about it today.
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