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What Is So Special About Womens Car Insurance?

Women drivers are well known for their well, it really depends on the perspective you are looking at them from. If you are a male driver that has an unbelievable need to put your foot down then they are nothing but a nuisance. However, if you happen to be a car insurer then you will probably be more than happy to offer them car insurance at a cheaper rate than you would a man of the same age, driving experience and make and model of car. Womens car insurance is a big sector of the insurance industry at the minute and there are plenty of reasons why.

Before looking at those reasons, it is important to check out just how much of a difference there can be between a male and female car insurance quote. Mr Bickley and his wife, Mrs Bickley, obtained quotes online for their brand new Ford Focus.

Mr and Mrs Bickley live in a rural village with little crime so they have peace of mind that their car is safe. However, they take safety precautions by putting the car in the garage every night and setting the alarm system. They are both 29 and have several years no claims bonus, with Mrs Bickley having 3 and Mr Bickley having 4.

The Bickleys went to E-Sure and CIS directly to get individual car insurance quotes as well as a couples one to compare the prices. Mr Bickley, having a years more no claims bonus, should have had lower quotes, but Mrs Bickleys quote was 107 less instead, all because she is a woman!

Female car insurance quotes tend to be lower primarily because the statistics prove that men have more accidents on the road, and higher serious accidents as well as general ones. As such, men make more claims than women and cost insurers their higher profit margins every year!

Taking this into account and the coupling it with speed will also make a difference. Men have a need for speed that women do not seem to have. They tend to have more convictions for speeding than women because they drive faster and fail to concentrate as much!

A further reason relates to the types of cars bought by men and women alike. Women buy practical and reliable cars but men buy those that have some sort of value amongst car magazines! In other words, they buy more powerful cars. Not only are those cars more expensive to replace if stolen but also to fix in the advent of an accident.

There are also now specialist womens car insurance providers that will only offer cover for women. They will not insure men at all. Again, this makes the insurances out there more affordable for the female of the species and narrows the options for cheap car insurance for the men!
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