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First Home Owners Grant Scheme And Home Loan Professional Package

FHOGS: Are you in the market to purchase your first home, then you are entitled to get aFirst Home buyers grant which is offered by the NSW government. It is an attractive option for all the first home buyers where this grant has been advanced newly by the federal government.

The First Home Owner Grant Scheme (FHOGS) is fully funded by the NSW Government and administered by the Office of State Revenue (OSR). The Scheme was established to assist first home buyers to purchase their first home by offering a $7000 grant.

Eligible first home owners can receive the grant regardless of their income, the area in which they are planning to buy or build, or the value of their first home. The grant is not means tested and no tax is payable on it.

In October 2008, the Australian Government proclaimed a First Home Owner Boost which complements the NSW Government, financed First Home Owner Grant Scheme.In regard to the declaration from the Commonwealth: 

A boost of $7,000 is given to the first home buyers who are buying the established homes. A grant of $14,000 grant is doubled to first home buyers grant.

First home buyers who build a new home or purchase a newly constructed home will receive an extra $14,000. This will take their first home buyers grant to $21,000.

Home Loan Professional Packages: Like Credit rating AAA, AA or A rating you will a superior credit profile. In order to attract people who earns large incomes or the people who are known as low risk borrowers, lenders are offering a special loan deals which are called as Professional packages as a rewards to these customers.

These packages are offered to a large range of purchasers with adequate income or collective loan size not like a long time ago where it was available to professionals like lawyers and accountants. 

A Professional Package normally offers discounts of 0.2 to 0.7 per cent off lenders standard variable interest rate and nearly to 0.25 per cent off fixed interest rates based on the size of the loan

Not only will you save on the rates discounts but a Professional Package also offers a range of other discounts on accounts such as credit cards, transaction, margin loans and insurance.

Think about the favorable offers and non favorable things i.e., pros and cons of the professional package.

Professional Package Home Loan Pros are Fully featured account e.g. redraw, split loans, internet and phone banking, Interest rate discounts on the standard variable rate, Entitled to the benefits of fee free transaction accounts and insurance product discounts and No establishment fees and no ongoing monthly fees on your loans.

Cons of a Professional Package Home Loan are An annual fee applies to this product.
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