Many of us have money tied up in larger items such as cars, vacation homes, property and other big ticket items. You can sell your big ticket items and get money back for your investment - money you can use today to purchase something you can really use or maybe just to pay some bills. Most people have large big ticket items that they may want to sell.
It can be a long or tedious process to sell your big ticket items yourself. That is what keeps most people from selling them. However, many people end up losing their assets to bankruptcy when they could have sold them and stayed solvent. Sometimes selling these big ticket items can take lots of time to first do research and then actually list and monitor the item for sale. Nowadays the single best place to sell big ticket items is online. The Internet offers a pool of literally millions of potential buyers who are looking to make a purchase.
Start by determining the worth of your big ticket item. This can be tricky. Look online for similar items but remember that you need to look for the same features and upgrades that your item has. In some instances you may be better off to get an appraisal done or you may have a recent one that you can use as a starting point.
Once you have a range of selling prices you'll need to decide what your bottom line price will be for the item. Start by offering your item at a slightly higher price knowing that people often like to haggle for a better deal. Don't overprice your item too much or you may not sell it. Likewise, don't under price your item at less than people are willing to pay. Generally the higher the price the longer it may take to sell your big ticket item. Think about how long you're willing to wait to sell it and consider taking a lower price in exchange for a quick sale.
Sometimes buyers may need to get funding in order to purchase your big ticket item. Keep this in mind when offering your item. You can also offer a lower price to buyers who are able to close the sale quickly or pay in cash. Big ticket items often require a more detailed bill of sale than other items. Have your attorney review your sale before finalizing it in order to be sure that all legalities have been covered.
Don't be overwhelmed by the process. There are specialty big ticket marketing companies that provide the exact services you need. A big ticket broker can help guide you through the process and make it easy for you.
It can be a long or tedious process to sell your big ticket items yourself. That is what keeps most people from selling them. However, many people end up losing their assets to bankruptcy when they could have sold them and stayed solvent. Sometimes selling these big ticket items can take lots of time to first do research and then actually list and monitor the item for sale. Nowadays the single best place to sell big ticket items is online. The Internet offers a pool of literally millions of potential buyers who are looking to make a purchase.
Start by determining the worth of your big ticket item. This can be tricky. Look online for similar items but remember that you need to look for the same features and upgrades that your item has. In some instances you may be better off to get an appraisal done or you may have a recent one that you can use as a starting point.
Once you have a range of selling prices you'll need to decide what your bottom line price will be for the item. Start by offering your item at a slightly higher price knowing that people often like to haggle for a better deal. Don't overprice your item too much or you may not sell it. Likewise, don't under price your item at less than people are willing to pay. Generally the higher the price the longer it may take to sell your big ticket item. Think about how long you're willing to wait to sell it and consider taking a lower price in exchange for a quick sale.
Sometimes buyers may need to get funding in order to purchase your big ticket item. Keep this in mind when offering your item. You can also offer a lower price to buyers who are able to close the sale quickly or pay in cash. Big ticket items often require a more detailed bill of sale than other items. Have your attorney review your sale before finalizing it in order to be sure that all legalities have been covered.
Don't be overwhelmed by the process. There are specialty big ticket marketing companies that provide the exact services you need. A big ticket broker can help guide you through the process and make it easy for you.